Is there a place for budgeting? Absolutely, if it is done in a less rigid way that better conforms to the way we live our lives as parents. Instead of a strict rule on monthly clothing expenses, for example, try setting aside a certain amount of money per season for each member of the house. You may need to look at old receipts or think about past purchases to help you figure out what to allocate for each member of the house per season. A baby girl, for example, can probably get through the summer with $75-100 worth of clothing if you make smart purchases. However, if you are like me, not setting an upper limit can result in you spending hundreds of dollars on clothing that your baby only wears once and quickly outgrows. For adults, setting a clothing budget can also be helpful, especially if you are a working parent that needs business type clothing or uniforms for work. Thinking in terms of seasonal purchases may also help you to make purchases that can last through multiple seasons, such as pants that can be worn in Spring and Fall or suits made of lighter materials.
When it comes to budgeting, think about how certain categories can be divided up based on your family's needs. A set monthly amount for all categories is bound to cause problems for parents. If we need to be flexible in every other part of our lives, why should we be rigid when it comes to budgeting?
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